Is Anga enter the medical insurance?

Is Anga enter the medical insurance?

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  1. Entering
    Bervarzumab was approved for listing! The effect is the same, the price is lower, and more cancer patients are benefited. The reduction of prices can reduce the economic burden on the family of cancer patients, so that more patients can use Bevarzab, thereby improving the curative effect. According to the "Notice of Incorporating Pharmaceuticals and other drugs such as the Barvar Mipidum Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Betting Drug Management" requirements, from November 24th, 2020 It can be included in the management of anti -cancer targeting drugs and other five countries. The insured, using the above targeting drugs, enjoy special medicine reimbursement treatment after obtaining a special medicine treatment certificate.
    The five domestic targeting drugs including Akaida are included in the management of special medicines for medical insurance, which greatly reduces the medical expenses of the insured to suffer from major diseases, improves the availability of anti -tumor drugs, increases the insured participants The satisfaction of medical security. __
    Is what are the medical insurance reimbursement processes
    1. At the time of admission: patients with medical insurance should apply for social security registration procedures with their ID cards, and then go to the ward to be hospitalized.
    2. At discharge: The doctor arranged for the patient to be discharged and went to the hospital for the discharge settlement procedures with the registration form and ID card.
    The reimbursement process has been simplified. Patients do not need to go to the social security center for reimbursement. They can be settled directly at the hospital.
    The so -called medical insurance hospitalization reimbursement -not reimbursed with bills after paying cash, but when hospitalized in a designated hospital for medical insurance, issue medical insurance cards to allow a unified medical insurance settlement system to read the insured information and apply for the hospital number. At discharge, the medical insurance system will not collect your "reimbursement" part -coordinated payment section.
    The medical insurance reimbursement scope:
    1. The reimbursement of the medical insurance card is limited to the medical expenses above the hospitalized hospital due to diseases and some accidents.
    The reimbursement formula is: (total cost-threshold fee-self-funding-over-cost)*(75 age*0.2)%, under normal circumstances, the actual reimbursement ratio ranges from 20 to 60%.
    The self -funded medicine is not reimbursement, type B drug reimbursement is 80%, bed fees are limited, and some examination fees and diagnosis and treatment fees are not reimbursed according to the prescribed regulations.
    2, the reimbursement of the medical insurance card is 4 times the average salary of local social employees (cumulative value within 1 year).
    3, the money in the medical insurance card can be used to designate drug stores to buy medicines and pay outpatient expenses, but it is not the scope of reimbursement, because the money in the medical insurance card is the money of the medical insurance personal account.
    4. Reimbursement of Disease Insurance
    Puler after the insured person suffered from serious illnesses, and the individual negative part that occurred in the municipal medical institution and complied with the medical insurance regulations of the city was included in the scope of the residents' serious illness insurance payment. 50%.
    , that is, the reimbursement amount = self -negative part × 50%

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