3 thoughts on “What do the dog sore throat?”

  1. I am very happy to answer your question. A throat pain is usually acute, chronic pharyngitis, dry itching or swelling and pain. Cefchomy dispersed tablets twice a day; vitamin C two twice a day; Nimei Shuli dispersed tablets 2 times a day for 3 days.
    The causes of sore throat, such as acute pharyngitis, etc., and the popularity often said on traditional Chinese medicine, can cause sore throat. According to different types of throat pain, judge which type of disease is symptomatic. It is recommended that patients go to the hospital for examination first, and then choose the appropriate method for treatment.
    The traditional Chinese medicine called Yan Keen is very effective, just two days.
    The reasons for scoring the throat pain. If it is inflammation of the tonsils, you have to take anti -inflammatory drugs, such as Pioneer 4. If it is on fire and speak more, you can eat some moisturizing slices, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream. Golden throat and the like. You can usually drink a fat sea and moisturize your throat.
    This pain adjustment diet is the best strategy
    ■ Course with the uncomfortable throat. Adjusting the diet is the best strategy
    lily, rock sugar, yam, barley, and japonica rice are all foods. Eating more vegetables and fruits is also very good, and it does not hurt yang. When the season alternates, more porridge is cooked, like vegetable porridge, hawthorn porridge, and eating more sour foods, such as black and hawthorn are good choices.
    ■ Flower tea and medicine tea help your throat
    At present, there are more patients with cough, laryngitis, and cough in patients with outpatient clinics. The medicine to remove the fire can play the role of clearing heat and detoxifying. Patients with dry cough need to take medicines that nourish yin and clear lungs to be symptomatic.
    This Tobacco and alcohol is actually one of the incentives of throat pain. Smoke is a kind of odor for people, and it will stimulate bad stimuli, including smoke and smoke oil caused by smoking will stimulate the throat. Wine is spicy stimulation. If it is too much, it will condense into moisture in the body and turn into phlegm and dampness, making the yin fluid in the body more difficult to generate.
    For the symptoms of a throat pain, it is actually not good to drink water too much, but it will increase the burden on the body. The water intake every day can reach 1000 ml. If you add some medicinal materials to the throat when drinking water, you can not play some effects on the fire of the throat, such as Luo Han Guo, fat sea, honeysuckle, Maogen, Ophiopogon or chrysanthemum, which can be bought in a pharmacy. In addition, there are some dry flowers sold by tea shops, such as rose and roses, which have a cooling blood effect, which can also nourish yin and nourish blood.

  2. Hello, please answer your questions. A throat pain is usually acute, chronic pharyngitis, dry itching or swelling and pain. Cefchomy dispersed tablets twice a day; vitamin C two twice a day; Nimei Shuli dispersed tablets 2 times a day for 3 days.
    The causes of sore throat, such as acute pharyngitis, etc., and the popularity often said on traditional Chinese medicine, can cause sore throat. According to different types of throat pain, judge which type of disease is symptomatic. It is recommended that patients go to the hospital for examination first, and then choose the appropriate method for treatment.
    The traditional Chinese medicine called Yan Keen is very effective, just two days. rn得分清嗓子疼的原因再吃药,假如是扁桃体发炎,得吃消炎药,比如先锋四号.假如是上火,说话多造成的,可吃些润喉片,如西瓜霜、 Golden throat and the like. You can usually drink a fat sea and moisturize your throat.
    This pain adjustment diet is the best strategy
    ■ Course with the uncomfortable throat. Adjusting the diet is the best strategy
    lily, rock sugar, yam, barley, and japonica rice are all foods. Eating more vegetables and fruits is also very good, and it does not hurt yang. When the season alternates, more porridge is cooked, like vegetable porridge, hawthorn porridge, and eating more sour foods, such as black and hawthorn are good choices.
    ■ Flower tea and medicine tea help your throat
    At present, there are more patients with cough, laryngitis, and cough in patients with outpatient clinics. The medicine to remove the fire can play the role of clearing heat and detoxifying. Patients with dry cough need to take medicines that nourish yin and clear lungs to be symptomatic.
    This Tobacco and alcohol is actually one of the incentives of throat pain. Smoke is a kind of odor for people, and it will stimulate bad stimuli, including smoke and smoke oil caused by smoking will stimulate the throat. Wine is spicy stimulation. If it is too much, it will condense into moisture in the body and turn into phlegm and dampness, making the yin fluid in the body more difficult to generate.
    For the symptoms of a throat pain, it is actually not good to drink water too much, but it will increase the burden on the body. The water intake every day can reach 1000 ml. If you add some medicinal materials to the throat when drinking water, you can not play some effects on the fire of the throat, such as Luo Han Guo, fat sea, honeysuckle, Maogen, Ophiopogon or chrysanthemum, which can be bought in a pharmacy. In addition, there are some dry flowers sold by tea shops, such as rose and roses, which have a cooling blood effect, which can also nourish yin and nourish blood.

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