How to raise a month's kitten? (How to feed the kitten for a month)

1 thought on “How to raise a month's kitten? (How to feed the kitten for a month)”

  1. 1. How to raise a kitten one month.

    2. How to feed a month kitten.

    3. How to raise a kitten for a month and a half.

    4. A monthly kitten.

    1. The kitten for a month is still breastfeeding. If the female cat is still beside the kitten, the female cat can feed the kitten themselves. The owner only needs to strengthen the nutritional intake of the female cat Can.

    . The kitten for a month is more fragile. If the female cat is not with the kitten, try not to feed other things, you can feed it for pets for pets.

    3. Remember not to feed milk, because most kitten lactose is not tolerated, and it may occur after drinking milk, which will affect your health.

    . In addition, a month of kittens have not started vaccination. Some viruses in the environment are easily infected with the lives of the kitten before the vaccination is not completed, such as cat plague.

    5. Therefore, you must pay attention to keep warm and not take a bath for the kitten, otherwise it may cause the kitten to have a cold.

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