What industry does the boiler industry belong to? Is it a heavy industry?

5 thoughts on “What industry does the boiler industry belong to? Is it a heavy industry?”

  1. Of course it is not heavy industry. Essence The division of the National Bureau of Statistics is close to the latter standards. The definition of the heavy industry in the "China Statistics Yearbook" is: the industry that provides the main means of material and technical foundation for the national economy departments. Light industry is: the industry that mainly provides consumer goods and handmade tools. In research, the heavy industry and chemistry industry often refer to the heavy industry.
    The processing industry
    (manufacturing industry) refers to the industry that is made of industrial raw materials. Including the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, electronic industry, fertilizer, metal structure, cement products, other building materials manufacturing and other industries such as the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry
    , the processing industry should be

  2. Professional is called thermal energy and power engineering. Those who provide energy and power are the secondary industry, but they do not belong to the heavy industry, because heavy industries are industries for production and production materials.

  3. The boiler industry, it is neither the "rising industry" nor the "sunset industry", but the eternal industry coexisting with humans, and it is still a continuous development of the energy industry in China.
    If industrial boilers are currently the main thermal energy equipment in China. There are more industrial boilers than power station boilers. In recent years, the Chinese power station boiler industry has achieved rapid development.

  4. Give a very simple standard. What things produced in everything are directly used for the people. For example, civilian sedan is light industry. Construction machinery and power plants are heavy industry. But the times are progressing, and sometimes the boundaries will become very vague.

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