Experience the emotional marketing model under the economy

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  1. On the experience marketing of tourism under the economy
    Abstract: Experience the arrival of the economy of the economy put forward the requirements of experience marketing for various industries, and the essence of tourism experience determines that tourism needs to experience marketing. The article analyzes the definition, characteristics and practical significance of tourism experience marketing, and believes that it can be re -settled by setting up tourism marketing thinking methods, using strategic experience modules to create tourism experience marketing models and reorganization tourism consumption processes to develop tourism experience marketing marketing Essence

    The keywords: experience economy; tourism experience; experience marketing

    1 Experience economic era experience marketing and tourism fit
    In the public tour stage, tourism demand is mainly based on "The needs of the five senses" are characterized by writing, listening, smelling, and saying on behalf of the papers. However, with the continuous development of tourism and the further development of the tourism industry, tourists have entered a higher stage of demand, that is, "participating in experience to meet the travel experience of my personalized needs", so that I can truly integrate into this activity and generate it. Extremely pleasure and excitement, so as to obtain the "experience" value of tourism. rn2 旅游体验营销战略模块rn旅游体验营销需要旅游企业转变传统的营销思考方式,从旅游者的感官(Sense)、情感(Fee1)、思考(Think)、行动(Act)、 Related five aspects, redesign and define its own tourism marketing thinking methods. Beride. Bern H. Schmitt referred to these different experience forms as a strategic experience module (SEMS) to form an experimental marketing structure, as shown in Table 1:
    3 Tourism experience Marketing mode
    3.1 Entertainment marketing model
    Entertainment marketing is focusing on meeting the entertainment experience of tourists as a focus of marketing. Its marketing model requires tourism companies to cleverly sell and operate in entertainment. It attracts tourists through creating an entertainment experience and achieved the purpose of promoting tourists to buy and consume. Its biggest feature is to abandon the serious, rigid and dignified side of traditional marketing, and make marketing activities kind, relaxed and vivid, and this feature is in line with the essential characteristics of tourism, so the marketing of tourism products is There is room for creation.
    3.2 Aesthetic marketing model
    Thisy marketing focuses on satisfying people's aesthetic experience. By choosing the use of beautiful elements, such as color, music, patterns, etc., and beauty style, such as fashion, elegance, gorgeous, etc. With the theme of beauty to cater to consumers' aesthetic taste, it has aroused consumer purchase interest and increases the added value of the product. Tourism products relying on natural resources should highlight the role of natural elements when using this model, dilute artificial colors, pay attention to the overall coordination when designing, and avoid adding a snake to add enough.
    3.3 Emotional marketing model
    Emotional marketing is based on the inner emotion of tourists. Writing graduation thesis is committed to meeting the emotional needs of tourists. This requires tourism companies to combine tourism products and explore the emotional response model of tourists to create tourism products with psychological attributes consistent with the psychological needs of customers. For those who are looking for roots and sources, they should firmly seize the model of emotional marketing, and in Japan, people can even rent back "daughter", "son", "grandson", "grandson", experience the family's Rong warmth and affection.
    3.4 Lifetime marketing mode
    Limelia marketing is based on the lifestyle pursuing the way of consumers. It is a symbol of the company's products or brand into a symbol of a certain lifestyle or even a identity. The logo of status recognition can achieve the purpose of attracting consumers and establishing a solid consumer group. Rural tourism products, vacation tourism products, and those in -depth tourism products can attract tourists with this model, so that they can buy tourism products while accepting a certain lifestyle. The use of celebrity effects to marketing is not only suitable for ordinary products, but also for tourism products.
    3.5 Atmospheric marketing mode
    Caping according to the style of the product, creating an appropriate atmosphere for tourists, optimizing experience effects, and creating extraordinary experience. For example, the US "Starbucks" with the value of customer experience, although the Starbucks cafe all over the world is not necessarily the same, and the architectural forms are different, they all convey a relaxed and warm atmosphere, a kind of advocating The culture of knowledge and respect for humanity provides elegant gathering venues, innovative coffee drinking methods and processes. Here, every customer is a coffee connoisseur, which tastes the extraordinary experience that Starbucks brings them to them.
    4 Tourism Experience Marketing Strategy
    The tourism company sells a "complete experience", from tourism product design, combination (packaging), sales to after -sales service. Consumption neutral and consumption comprehensive customer experience. Therefore, tourism enterprises should pay attention to every consumption link, eliminate the unnecessary processes that are not conducive to communicating with tourists, and establish a platform that facilitates directly face -to -face with tourists, and realize the reorganization and optimization of tourism consumption processes.
    4.1 Let tourists become the collaborative designer of the product
    In experiential tourism products, tourists turn from the results to the process of consumption. Therefore The interaction between tourists and tourism companies, tourists and tourists, while tourism companies can increase production capacity, reduce production costs, and to a certain extent offset the loss of scale economy caused by personalized production of products.
    The tourist companies can make tourists a collaborative designer of the product through observation learning method, product formulation and online feedback method. What is recommended here is the online feedback method. Nowadays, a small number of tourism companies have used the three -dimensional panoramic virtual technology to digitize the real scenes of the scenic area to the Internet. As long as the audience can easily click the mouse, they can watch the scenery of the scenic area up, down, left and right, approach, and retreat, and combine the scenic navigation maps and tour guides to let the audience realize while watching and virtual tourism. More importantly, through the initial contact with tourist products, potential tourists can find the lack of tourism product design and development, and they can also give improvements according to their preferences.
    4.2 Using experience model Theater coordinated tourism products and services
    US service marketing experts Gruf and Fieneke believed that: Face -to -face service experience experience is similar to acting, writing English papers requires actors, sets and scenery and scenery Performance effect. In the experience theater model of tourism companies, the actor is the front -line service staff and the main producer of the tourism experience; the setting is the tourism resource and an indispensable site for the production tourism experience. Therefore, experience marketing must first start with front -line personnel. Enterprises should fully realize that each contact with tourist consumers is a "critical moment", which will directly affect tourists' evaluation of tourism service quality. Therefore, in addition to having a high level of business, staff should also pay attention to the details of their own clothing, behavior, and demeanor that may leave a beautiful impression on tourists.
    4.3 Provide additional products
    A additional products are not core products, but it represents additional benefits outside the core interests, which can support the maximum effectiveness of core products, and to a certain extent, different from competitors' products to a certain extent. The role. For a period of time when tourists return, they will be affected by the surplus of tourism experience. Tourism companies can set up tourism clubs or BBS to provide a space for them to share their experiences, exchange experiences, and encourage consumers to recall the beauty of this experience. And stimulate the new needs they travel. In fact, it also provides consumers with another experience, a experience that knows the world.
    In summary, successful tourism companies must produce a happy experience for tourists. In essence, tourism companies must work hard to build a happy theater. In time and space Each link should be coordinated and unified, forming a comprehensive tourism product and a good overall image, so that tourists can get a satisfactory experience, and finally realize the difference in tourism experience and tourism expectations to zero, or even positive numbers, to achieve corporate and tourists. Win -win.

    The reference
    [1] Joseph Paen, James H. Gilm (beauty). Experience economy [M]. Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 2002.
    [2] B • Joseph Pine, James H • Gilmore. Welcome to the economy. Harvar ~ Business Review, 1998.
    [3] Ma Lianfu. Experience marketing needs to touch humanity [M]. Beijing: Capital University of Economic and Trade Press, 2005.
    [4] Yang Xingyue. Tourism experience marketing j [J]. Economic Viewpoint, 2006, (10).

    The application of shallow discussions experience marketing in the retail industry
    [Thesis keyword] retail experience marketing

    In the era of development, the retail industry has entered the era of experience consumption, how to pay close attention to this change, carefully study and grasp the characteristics and laws of experience economy, and through the implementation of marketing strategies to meet the needs of consumers' experience is the key to the success of the retail industry.

    The retail industry, as the terminal of sales products and services, directly contacts final consumers. Its product portfolio method, service attitude and environmental atmosphere will directly affect the customer's experience. In retail activities, the factors that affect consumers' purchase behavior are intricate, which have both economic and cultural factors and the influence of personal psychological factors. With the improvement of people's living standards and quality of life, more material products can no longer meet people's needs, and people pay more attention to the satisfaction of individuality through consumption. When consumers buy products, if there is experience scenes and atmosphere, it will have a great impact on consumer purchase decisions. Experience marketing is a rational choice to adapt to changes in consumer demand in the era of economic era. It attracts customers and retains customers by bringing good consumption experience to customers. The core of experience marketing is the participation of customers, taking customers as the subject of value creation, and respond to the emotional demands of customers in a timely manner. As people's awareness of shopping gradually matures, more and more customers believe that shopping activities are not only a activity that meets their material needs, but also a leisure activity. The more smart customers, the ever -changing technology, and the more intense brand competition, make the traditional marketing and brand model outdated. The company adopts 4P marketing. For the entire experience, not just interested in products, companies can pass through creative communication, unique customer experience, cool websites, attractive shops, and affinity salespersons to pass this experience to consumers Essence Therefore, as the retail industry, details should be paid in the marketing session, improving customers with details, creating benefits, and experiencing marketing is an effective means to achieve the above goals.

    . Experience and experience marketing

    Dr. Berd Schmidt pointed out in the book "Experience Marketing" "Marketing" pointed out that "experience is an enterprise Taking services as the stage, products as props, and activities that are worthy of consumers' memories of consumers. " Although it is an intangible product like a service, the service is external for consumers, and the experience is internal, which is the income from individuals, emotions, and knowledge. It can bring unforgettable feelings to consumers for a period of time, so that consumers can get the comfort and enrichment of the soul. It focuses on all consumer behaviors of customers and his experience before consumption, consumption and consumption. It focuses on the emotional interaction between enterprises and consumers in the communication process, and continuously meets consumers' personalized feelings.
    The concept of experience marketing was proposed by two founders of the US Strategic Horizon LLP in 1998. Experience marketing requires companies to innovate and design marketing strategies from five aspects, including consumers' sensory, emotion, thinking, action, and association. This way of thinking breaks through the traditional assumptions of "rational consumers". It is believed that in addition to containing rational factors such as knowledge, intelligence, and thinking, the consumer's consumption behavior also includes emotional factors such as sensory, emotion, and emotion.
    The traditional marketing mainly focuses on the functions of the product, beautiful appearance, and price advantage. Experience marketing is based on life and situations, shaping sensory experience and thinking identity, so as to attract consumers' attention and change consumer behavior And find new survival value and space for the product. Experience marketing is a systematic marketing idea. Focusing on services, it provides consumers with a consumer situation. In the situation, through the participation and interaction of consumers, it leaves consumers a unique and beautiful memories. Finally the process of.

    . The characteristics of experience marketing

    With the development of the technology and information industry, people's consumer desire and consumption form have also changed. When material is extremely rich, people are no longer sensitive to the price of goods, psychological satisfaction brought by products and services becomes more and more important, and psychological needs gradually surpass material needs and become people's dominant needs. Experience marketing has the following characteristics:
    1. Guided by customer needs. Because the experience will involve the sensory factors such as the sensory and emotions of customers, and also contains rational factors such as intelligence and thinking. The generation of experience is the result of a person's experience, experience, or a certain scene segment in life. Therefore, the experience should be guided by the customer's needs, understand the deep inside of the customer, stimulates what the customer exists in the heart, and gets his response. From the perspective of customer experience, examine their products and services, shock customers and move customers.
    2. Pay attention to personality. A good experience will be preserved in the minds of consumers for a long time. The experience is a unique personalized experience. The experience cannot be copied. It can only be recalled. This is precious. Experience marketing focuses on the degree of satisfaction of customers in terms of purchasing environment, atmosphere, business brands, etc., rather than staying in product surface characteristics and basic functions.
    3. Create happiness for customers during the marketing process. Experience marketing focuses on bringing new experiences and satisfaction to customers in the process of product marketing, thereby bringing happiness to customers. For example: The soft background music in the shopping square, neat and creative product display can bring stimuli and happiness to consumers.
    . The strategy of implementing experience marketing in the retail industry

    1. Change marketing combination model. Traditional 4P marketing combination models based on products, prices, channels and promotions have been difficult to meet the requirements of experiencing economic development. In the process of experience marketing, we must establish a diversified experience model, continuously innovate design experience, and bring multi -angle to consumers to bring multiple angles Happy enjoyment and emotional sustenance. To customize experience products for the needs of different customers, according to the changes in the marketing environment and other factors, give full play to their imagination, launch a diversified experience product through entertainment experience, life experience, emotional experience, and virtual experience. Experience business, maximize the needs of consumers. When designing products, consciously add pleasure and beauty to products and services, and fully reflects in the appearance, packaging, display, and brand logo; when determining the price, the customer's needs When you are willing to pay; when planning channels, you must highlight the differentiated characteristics and the timeliness of response; during promotion, strengthen exchanges with customers, encourage customers to participate, and strengthen customers' awareness and feelings of experience.
    2. Carefully create the environment and improve customer satisfaction. Experience marketing requires the shopping environment to have a certain atmosphere and mood, so that consumers have a special psychological feeling during the shopping process. Although the psychological feeling of consumers does not directly connect with the transaction itself, it can affect consumers' when shopping Mind and interest. The carefully planned shopping environment is to create a sense of perception, make full use of emotional information, and intervene in their behavior by affecting consumers with more sensory and feelings, thereby affecting consumers' purchase decision -making process and behavior. Under the experience economy, merchants sell tailor -made experiences for consumers. Consumers are no longer passive recipients, but participants. Experience marketing to bring consumers is an indelible impression. It needs to introduce tangible things to let consumers grasp the theme, closely focus on the theme, and fully stimulate consumers' senses. Let customers know what experience they will get before buying. By creating an atmosphere, designing a scene, conducting experiential activities that consumers participate in, creating an atmosphere and scene for consumers to create an atmosphere and scene, and convince consumers to buy.
    3. Discover the psychological needs of consumers and pay attention to interaction in marketing planning. In the marketing activities of the retail industry, it is necessary to meet consumers from a single product or service to meet consumer desires and increase customer experience changes, and attach importance to the satisfaction of customer spirit and psychological needs. In the era of personalized consumption today, people are no longer satisfied with passively accepting enterprise products, but have put forward more requirements for product design. Therefore, in the process of product development, enterprises should pay attention to the shaping of product image, personality, mood, and sensuality, create a psychological attribute consistent with the psychological needs of customers, and help customers form a certain interest experience. Experience marketing can create a life and cultural atmosphere needed by the consumer spiritual world, thereby helping consumers find potential psychological needs and stimulate their desire to buy.
    4. Incorporate more experience ingredients in the service. Experience marketing through the means of seeing (SEE), listening (hear), using (use), and participation () to fully stimulate and mobilize consumers' sensory (Sense), emotion (Feel), Think, ACT (ACT) (ACT) (ACT) (ACT) (ACT) Sensitive factors and rational factors such as related (Related) have brought new weather to the retail industry. The development of science and technology has made products more and more homogeneous. Good services can increase consumers 'favor to enterprises, help build consumers' loyalty, increase experience in services Highlight the personalization and differentiation of services to better attract consumers. Enterprises should subconsciously convey their experience to customers, not only do the entire process and all -round services promised by the enterprise, but also the personalization, characteristic, and branding of corporate services, not only satisfy consumers, but also make consumers. Consumers are moved to make the services provided by enterprises an unforgettable experience.
    5. Digging new customers, stabilizing and loyal customer groups. The status of after -sales service is of great significance to the company. It is an important means to increase customer satisfaction and cultivate loyal customers. According to the 80/20 rule, 80 % of the company's sales come from 20 % of customers. Loyal customers. The post -purchase experience will promote the duplicate purchase of customers. In addition to providing high -quality after -sales service, retailers should also use modern networks and communication technologies to establish customer files to strengthen customer relationship management, which affects customer emotions, cultivates customer loyalty, allows the experience to exist in the existence of experience in the existence of the experience. All moments that companies contact with customers, including consumption in the retail environment, products and services, and after -sales service, clearly grasp all consumer behaviors of consumers, and pay more attention to all consumers' before, shopping, and after shopping Experience makes consumers feel the characteristics and culture of the brand.
    6. Establish a retail industry experience marketing team to improve service quality. The retail industry usually needs to face consumers directly, so the quality of marketers directly affects the effect of customer experience. The theme of the experience is more clear, and the experience design is perfect, but it will be greatly reduced due to the omissions or neglect of employees in turn, and even the experience will be destroyed. In experiential marketing, the role of salesperson and salesperson has changed a certain change than traditional marketing. They must use methods such as letting goals, listening, attempts, trials, etc. to strengthen communication and interaction with consumers, so that customers can experience themselves experienced experience The products and services provided by the enterprise will apply vision, hearing, taste, and smell to experience marketing, allowing consumers to experience products, confirm value, and promote trust after trust. Therefore, the improvement of the comprehensive quality of marketers' positive attitude, noble quality, strong communication and coordination ability, and professional skills literacy is the key to experiencing the success of marketing.

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    [ 2] Bai Zhanfeng: "Consumption Psychological Analysis" [M]. China Economic Press, May 2006, 1st edition
    [3] Tang Xiaoping: Experience the emotional marketing strategy in the background of the economic background [J]. " High -tech and Industrialization ", No. 7, 2005
    [4] Chen Lingyun:" The Most effective Marketing Rules in the World "[M]. Earthquake Press

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